Joy in Our Journey

"The simple things in life are always most important"

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lessons From My Two Angels

Because it's October- when our twins would have been born, I've been thinking about the lessons this past year has brought us already. Since I am also in the middle of writing the Primary Program I have realized how much this one event has helped to shape so much this year, even in shaping the Primary program. I remember how I saw those two angels in the ultrasound and how beautiful they looked. And then when I was told "there's no heartbeat"- how my world changed. I remember sitting alone after the doctor had left and seeing a tissue box. For the first time, I realized there was ever one in those ultrasound rooms. I had never noticed that before. "So this is what they are here for. For times like these." I remember having to tell Brigham- then to somehow tell the children. They were so happy when I told them I had twins, Andrew even said "I knew it!", but choking back the tears, and trying to be brave I told them they had died. But since then, I have learned a lot. The most important being that the Lord's timing of things is always better. For on my time table I would have another baby. One that Nathan could grow up with and play with. But that was not to be, and now I believe was suppose to be that way. And somehow this is right. I do have faith, but know I have prayed many times this year, "Father, I believe, help thou mine unbelief". I believe his timing is better- but through these trials I know my own "belief" will be strengthened.


  1. Thinking of you with love and hugs. Someday we will all understand . . . until then we get to keep learning patience and faith. I know I somehow get to keep learning and learning both of them. :-) I hope to someday to be perfect in my learning.

    Love you,

    Mom G

  2. Ces!! You have no idea how happy I was to see your comment on my blog! I have thought about you so many times. We really should catch up soon. I had no idea you had lost your babies. I cried when I read your post. You are so right though, the Lord's timing is always the right timing. Although it is hard to accept sometimes, we lesrn so much through these types of experiences. I hope you are doing okay!

    You look so great and your boys are so handsome and grown-up! I can't wait to check back in.

    I will email you still have the same email address?

    So happy to be in touch! Love you!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi my dear sweet friend. You are such an amazing example of faith and hope. I'm so sorry to learn that you lost your babies. I had no idea. It's too bad that we have to experience the sadness in life in order to appreciate the happy times. I learned a lot about loss and sadness this summer when Todd died. It's hard to lose someone you love. I didn't even know you had a blog! I saw your blog link on Julie's website and had to visit. I would love to get together sometime soon. Let's plan something! I am expecting baby #2 in February and we found it it's a boy. We are super excited. Love you! xoxo

  5. Sweet Ces,
    I was also so excited to see your blog. I love that this little connection can help us all grow closer and that we are able to watch each other's families grow up. I have always looked up to you so much. Thank you for your firm and valiant testimony. Love ya tonz!

  6. Cecily. I have been thinking of you lately. You are so amazing. I love your blog and I am so thankful for your honesty and openess about your feeling here. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Love, Lisa
