Snow boarding lessons at Park City for $25 each! This was such a neat thing for us since my bigger boys (especially Ben) has expressed interest in it more. I really thought about how to go about this since I want to be careful and not add too many things that would take away from our families needs. The only thing i saw was the school snowboarding lessons for more money and would take more time. Then a good friend told me about this. So much cheaper and we could do it just once or 5 times! (Love it) We went two times (that was plenty!!) and they got their basic lessons (since Brigham and I don't know a thing about snowboarding that's why I was looking for a lesson). I was so grateful they got this chance. Good things do come to those who wait (even the simple desires like this).

Benjamin after his first piano festival. He did such a wonderful job (this festival preparation takes soo much practice!) And he got even the highest rating. (But whatever he was "awarded" I knew he knew the songs at that "superior" level anyway- it's just neat he got it). Way to go Ben! (And I looove being your piano teacher!!)

Ben has also picked up Clarinet this year and has a fabulous teacher at school. He will get to play at the Capitol building as well coming up soon. Awesome, Ben!

Natie and his good friend Amelia as superheros. My dear friend Jenny and I swap for a mini "pre-school/ playgroup" and this time I wanted to do the Joy school theme of "my favorite super hero" where they learn more about themselves and their own wonderful abilities and talents. (can you tell it's a favorite lesson to teach of mine!) It was soo cute to hear all the things they already know about themselves. In the end I made a letter for them to wear on their shirts just like a superhero. Nate got a big "N" and Amelia a big letter "A".

More superhero fun.
You guys are cute and awesome.