Ever since I can remember I always wanted to grow up to be a mom. Now that dream is reality and it's even better than I could have ever imagined. I love feeling those tiny arms around me in the morning when I wake up. I love hearing the door open and shut when Ben or Andrew has returned home. I love our moments when we are laughing so hard we cry, and then our sides hurt and we can't stop- then we laugh some more. I love just playing with them. Playing "diggers" an "backhoes", playing basketball, and tennis, and sometimes just plain being together. I love that we can talk- and talk- and talk for hours. That I can read my old journals from when I was their age, and that they can laugh and think how "weird" I was. And then that they read me- their journals- something so secret and special- and that they would trust me enough to read it to me. I love hearing the creative stories, funny jokes, and getting the gentle kisses on my cheek. If I could choose going to the store with my children or without- I'd pick with hands down (and no I am not lying!). I will always want to be a mother. Forever. They are my perfect pieces of heaven sent to me to help me learn how to be more like Him. It is, I feel my past- what I have been preparing to be. My present- what I have the perfect blessing of savoring now. And my future- what I am preparing to be for eternity. I can't imagine anything more divine, more beautiful, and more fulfilling. Yes,there have been times when I have felt so exhausted from the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual demands this great calling requires. Even times when I have felt the full fury and wrath of a world that diminishes this priceless gift- times when I have been looked down upon for "just" being a mother. And times when I have plead for heavenly help knowing that only He knows the full extent of my child's trial or pain. But I feel it is also these moments that make it so perfect. So real. And so right. SO yes, being a mother is my dream come true. A dream that no person could ever have the imagination, or capability of ever conjuring up such a perfect recipe for learning to be like Him. And to my angels- Benjamin, Andrew, and Nathan- I am so honored to be your mom. (And yes I believe I so picked you for my own!!) I love you my best friends.
Love forever,
Love forever,
that was so beautiful!!! What a great example you are. Those boys are so blessed to have you as their Mom!!!! HUGS!