I love my sisters. They have each been through a lot lately. Alicia a few months ago was in a long boarding accident and though she is still recovering fully, it truly is a miracle to me she is doing as well as she is. So to Alicia I want to write this little note.
It was hard to watch you go through this accident Alicia, more than I could fully convey. But, the day I came over to help you walk after you were home from the hospital will always be treasured to me. To have your arm around me, and mine around you- to have to walk so close side by side was a heavenly moment for me. Together we walked slowly, trying with each little step to make it around the obstacles back to your home. And know Alicia, that's what I want to be. The kind of big sister who is willing to walk by you, side by side, with whatever trials or challenges you may face, and to help you as you will help me come back Home again to our Heavenly home. So know Alicia, because I feel so much love for you I will ask you about our little "secret goal" and will keep asking, because I am your sister. And I want to be that kind of sister. I love you Alicia.
love, Ces
And to Camille. I have to admit, that every time you have had a pregnancy now, I have held my breath. Waiting and hoping it will not be another miscarriage- and especially another Kylee. So when I found out you were experiencing the same complications as with Kylee- I worried for you. And now, your husband is also not available to help with his recent accident. Oh my dear, I am here for you, and will be here for you. I am so thrilled you can have another baby and want this to be another wonderful experience. You are my sister- my roommate for 16 years and my dear friend. I love you Camille. You have born with all your trials so amazingly and I have no doubt will do so again.
Love, Ces
I love you too Ces. Thank you so much for your post, it meant a lot and thank you for always being there for me through growing up and all of the phone calls from time to time. I really need them and you know when and what exact time to call when I am going through a rough or stressful period. Love you sis and thanks for all your love and support